Rabbi Mendel Hendel grew up and was educated in Israel, the United States and Canada. He received his Rabbinical ordination in 1995 from the Rabbinical Institute Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim of Montreal. He is very experienced with programs of outreach, which he carried out all around the world.

Rabbi Hendel has spent 2 years in former Soviet Union, organizing programs and activities, visiting remote communities to bring them spiritual as well as material and humanitarian aid. He completed shorter missions in Cuba, Argentina, Germany and United States, bringing the warmth of Judaism to very diverse Jewish communities.

His wife Nechama grew up in Paris, France. She graduated the Michlala Lamorot Teachers Institute Beth Chana of Safed, Israel in 1998. She has worked in the education field in France and the United States, teaching and organizing extra curriculum activities. She also was in charge of summer camps in France and Switzerland.

With their three children Chana, Arie and Levi Yitschak, they now live in Athens, Greece, where they have developed many programs and activities for the Jewish communities of Greece. Many tourists as well as locals, have visited their home for Shabbat meals, always finding a warm and welcoming atmosphere.