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The real reason we study the Torah

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Why do we study Torah?

First, we study Torah to know how to act righteously in our lives. G-d gave us Commandments, Mitzvot, and in order to know how to perform them and how to live our life, we have the Torah, as a Book of Laws.

Yet, Torah study is a Mitzvah in itself, beyond learning how to perform Mitzvot.

In the first paragraph of the Shema Israel, we say:
(ודיברת בם" - בדברי תורה (דברים ו, ז"

“You will talk about them” (Deuteronomy 6:7). Our Sages explain that this means to speak about the words of the Torah.

In Joshua (1:8), G-d tells him: mh
 "והגית בו יומם ולילה" (יהושע א, ח)

“Study it day and night”. We see here that we are commanded to learn as much and as often as we can.

What is the essence of the Mitzvah of studying Torah? What is its significance?

Chasidut explains that the Torah is the wisdom of G-d. It is a divine matter that came down and was embedded in our world.

When we study Torah, i.e G-d’s wisdom in the form that it was given to us down here in this material world, we connect to G-d in a higher level.

This is why we study Torah in our every free moment, to be connected to G-d during the entire day.

Shabbat Shalom,

Arie from the Yeshiva 

What is the purpose of our existence?

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The world seems to be constantly the same. People are born, eat, drink, sleep and do good actions or the opposite. At some point, they die. Why are we in this world? What is the purpose of our lives?

Chasidut explains that G-d wanted to have a “home” in our world. This is why He created it. What does a “home” for G-d mean?

As is the case with us, we feel more comfortable in our home than outside of it. This is what G-d wants. To be able to feel “comfortable in this world. And we have to make it suitable for His presence.

How? Through studying the Troah and observing the Mizvot, which are G-dly, we connect the world with G-d. Yet, in our material world, this connection is hidden. When Moshiach will come, thanks to our good actions, we will be able to see this connection. Then, G-d will have a revealed “home” in this world.  

And this is the purpose of our existence.

Shabbat Shalom,

Arie from the Yeshiva

Who are we - Our two souls

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In our life, we do many actions, good ones, and the opposite. When are we in essence? Someone good who happens to do not-good actions sometimes, or someone not-good that sometimes does something good? Furthermore, if our essence is not good, of what value and significance is the fact that we occasionally do good?

Chasidut gives us the answer. Every Jew has two souls inside him. One is the animal soul, which is not necessarily bad, but desires only what it considers beneficial and pleasurable. It is the “egoist” inside us. Like an animal, which is only preoccupied with satisfying its instincts. This is where our inclination towards the not-good comes from, because sins sometimes appear to us beneficial and pleasurable for our “ego”.

Our second soul, which we discussed last week, is our G-dly soul, which is a “part” of G-d. This is why it desires good, G-dly things. It is concerned with something beyond our “ego”. This is where our actions for the good of a fellow person or for G-d come from.

These two souls are inside us, and during our entire life, they fight over who will rule over our body. In other words, which soul with decide what we will do, say, think etc. at every given moment. When we do something good, it is our G-dly soul that is ruling and when we do the opposite, it is our animal soul that is ruling.

The real essence of each Jew is the G-dly soul. This is who we are. But sometimes, we get carried away by the animal soul inside us, and we no things which are the opposite of good.

The purpose of our existence in this world is to try as much as possible to have our G-dly soul rule inside of us, in our thoughts, speech and actions.

Shabbat Shalom,

Arie from the Yeshiva 

Where does our faith come from?

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What is the source of our faith?

What do we mean when we say we believe in G-d?

Faith is not about understanding. If it was something we can understand with our logic, it would have been knowledge. Then, why do we believe? If this is something we cannot understand, then where does the faith come from? 

The explanation is simple. Inside every Jew, is a special soul. Our soul is a “part” of G-d. It is the essence of every Jew. This soul is given to us by G-d, we cannot choose it, and neither can we change it. 

Since our soul is a “part” of G-d, it is always connected to Him. This is what gives us the feeling of G-d’s presence in the world. This is where our faith comes from, and not from our mind. It is not something that we can comprehend with our logic, it is something much deeper. We feel G-d through our souls, and this is the source of our faith.

Shabbat Shalom,

Arie from the Yeshiva

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